Knowledge is most powerful when shared.
Research, management, operations, programming, technology, marketing, biology and more..
Meet Urban Blue’s All-Star-Team
We are an experienced team of biologists, entrepreneurs, consultants, digital technology experts, scientists and marketers with a wealth of practical experience in a variety of business areas related to precision farming.
Experience is the best source of expertise.
Every useful feature of Urban Blue is based on the latest research and development, hands-on tackling of real-world challenges in pioneering high-tech farms, and continuous networking with experts and customers in every application area. We are excited to see Urban Blue in the hands of dedicated professionals around the world, with more and more possibilities added.

Urban Blue Management: Peter Zeller, Founder & CEO – Prior to founding Urban Blue, he managed the world’s first large-scale land-based marine fish farm operating independently from the sea in Germany. In this role, Peter was instrumental in turning the vision of locally produced premium marine fish into a commercial reality. Connect on with Peter on LinkedIn

Urban Blue Smart Sensing & manufacturing, based in Kaohsiung, Tawain: Andrew Piggott, Developer & MD Urban Blue Taiwan / not in the picture: Sophie Piggott, Marketing & Sales / based in Brisbane, Australia: William Stell, R&D Software Engineer.

Urban Blue AI & Digital geeks, based in Islamabad, Pakistan – from left: Kanwal Aftab (Computer Vision), Siraj Munir (App & Frontend), Mudasar Arshad (Backend, IoT, Team lead) / not in the picture: Fatima Iljaz (Project management) and Adeel Pirzada (CTO Urban Blue).

Urban Blue scientific advisory team of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) – second from left: Dr. Linda Tschirren, team and leader of the InnoSuisse AWACS project – pictured with members of her team and students. Not pictured – Gerrit Quantz, aquaculture doyen, based in Kiel, Germany.
Urban Blue is internationally engaged in the professional community.
Urban Blue is an active member of aquaculture associations in Switzerland, Germany, EU and the USA – and well connected with experts, suppliers as well as leading research institutes and universities in Europe and Asia.

If you are interested in connecting to our team of experts,
please contact us.